Well, I wrote three minutes of new material, have performed it twice in front of a live audience and each time it was met with laughter.....EXCELLENT! Now to write more, and more, and more! It is hard to get motivated sometimes. Now that the warmer weather is here, perhaps I will take my book outside and try writing while listening to the birds, while feeling a cool breeze on my face, while swatting hornets out of my hair!
Besides wanting to write some new stand-up material, I have also been working on writing a treatment for a sitcom. I started writing the sitcome outline about two years ago, and since then it has changed, been tweeked and re-written over a million times. Right now I am working on it with a dear, dear, dearest friend of mine Shelley Marshall. She is a very charasmatic lady, stunningly gorgeous woman who is one of the funniest ladies I have ever seen perform on a comedy stage. Her and I are working on a sitcom that involves life in rural Canada....the ups, the downs, the joys, the tears, the 5.4% alcoholic beer. I think it will be hilarious by the time we are done tweeking it....who knows....we may just become the next SITCOM STARS!
Hey Girlfriend!...how do I get to be on the list of notification when you blog!!!??? I would love that! like I love your blog!
Hey you! I read it too (and always make note of spelling and grammar errors, btw).
But you should send out notifications when you update as Shelley suggests! It would be so much easier for this lazy ass to find...
I think you have to go to the bottom of the page where it it says......Subscribe to posts...hit that and your all set to go! I think. I'm not sure though.
Hey you i read it too now that you had the post on facebook. Your humor has not changed maybe just a little more warped. But then again who had comedy at 3 in the morning at work lol.
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