Last night was absolutely without a doubt....HORRIBLE. I performed at a comedy show in Kingston and left wishing I hadn't. Crowd was basically made up of people no older than 22....your typical University crowd, definatley NOT my crowd. I was the last performer on which ment that by that time half the crowd had left and the remaining audience members were slobbering drunk. I have performed in front of younger crowds before and had great responses....that was not the case last night. I was HECKLED! All of the other performers that took the stage before me were also inturrupted by the same idiots, but they were able to handle them with grace, style and amazing witt....I was not.
I have not yet achieved that comfort zone on stage that allows a comedian to interact with the audience in an improv style. I will stress this point again....I CANNOT CHITTY CHATTY WITH THE AUDIENCE!
I started my set, standing in front of a sparce audience. I did my first two lines...then someone yelled "So, when are your twins due". Took me off guard for a moment, but I did not reply, I continued on with my set. The audience reaction to my material was up then down then up then down. The kinda-sorta liked me, but not really. Then, just I begin building up steam someone yells a remark about me sucking on a lot of penis's. I froze. I froze. I continued on with my performance, but by this time, I had lost the audience, they were too busy laughing at the comedic heckler. waited until the end of the show and could not leave that building fast enough.
I cried and cried and wailed and howled the entire hour and half car ride home. I felt humiliated. I felt belittled. I felt crushed. The entire ride home was filled with thoughts of "I should have said THIS" or "I should have said THAT", but alas, I didn't. Nothing witty came to mind at the precise time when I needed it.
They say that 'what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger'...to them I say "bull-puckey!" (I'll think of something clever to say AFTER this is posted!)
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