Well, back to the ol' bump and grind. I have had company for almost a week and a half...and now the house is quiet. Kids are in school, hubby is at work, company is all gone....just me, my dog, and my computer to start the morning. Last night was Wrestlemania...a major event in my house. We are rednecks and proud of it. I don't know why people call wrestling fans rednecks....but I've been called worse. I am trying out a new 'theme' for a comedy set. I have to start writing in a different direction...all my jokes now have to do with my weight, marriage, children, food and sex...I have to expand. SOOOOOOO, my friend Izzy helped me find a new topic and I think it is a great one, one that I can have a whole 'set' about.
"Don't Piss on my Redneck Parade".
Jokes that have to do with my family, our gatherings, our relatives, our photo albums. Let me tell you my family alone could inspire me to write a whole sitcom....there are definately some whacky birds sitting in my family tree. I have the premis of one joke so far.........
I love wrestling! LOVE IT! Sweaty muscular men fighting with other sweaty muscular men, both are tatooed and wearing spandex pants....I LOVE IT! I hate it though when people feel the need to tell me 'Uggggg, you do know that wrestlings fake right?". So? People have been getting enjoyment out of fake things for centuries....Pamela Anderson's boobs...FAKE! But yet they bring joy to millions of people. So don't tell me wrestlings fake...don't piss on my redneck parade!
What'd ya think? Could be a funny joke right!? I think I need another example though of something that is fake. I've been racking my brain trying to come up with a funny 'fake example' but so far nothing...I'm sure it will come though. With so many fake things out there, it is hard to just pick one!
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