Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Thank you!

I was part of the Stand Up and Bite Me contest a few weeks back. I didn't win the night I performed in the preliminary round, but without a doubt, the fellow that deserved to win did. Those of us that weren't chosen by judges on our nights of preliminaries (there were four rounds) were able to ask for on-line votes...and if you received the most votes, you were automatically given a spot to perform in the finals...the winner of which walks away with $5000.

I pimped myself out shamelessly and was able to win the on-line vote....AWESOME! I am truly thankful to everyone who voted, for the encouragement and support I was given and for the kindness I was shown. I am extremely blessed. Without those people taking the time to vote....I wouldn't have the wonderful opportunity that I have now to compete in the finals.

There is another on-line voting segment that will start next week. I am not really looking forward to asking everyone to vote again...I'm afraid they'll all get sick of me. Comedy is part talent, part 'who you know', and a big part is self-promotion. If you don't get your name out there and keep it out there people won't know who the heck you are. It can be pretty exhausting work sometimes and you run the risk of making people pretty sick of hearing about you and from you.

I thank everyone who voted last week.....thank you, thank you, thank you!

See you next week when I again will be knocking on your facebook wall asking you to vote again!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just so you know I come around here lurking all the time, I'm almost at the stalking stage between facebook, blog, and you tube.