Since 1984, New York City has held Fleet Week to honor the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps....from all over the world. The week features extensive military demonstrations, as well as the opportunity for the public to tour some of the visiting ships and talk with the men and women who have dedicated their lives to serving their respective countries. IF YOU EVER HAVE THE CHANCE TO GO.....
truly is an experience that humbles you...makes you realize that the complaints that you have about your job, your boss, your co-workers.......are kinda-sorta small. NOT that I would belittle anyone who works hard for their
pay cheque...we all do...I stood in one spot for eight hours on concrete floors for eight hours at a time dealing with people who would make me cry...I complaining the whole time....and I was a CASHIER......imagine fighting in the army, navy, marines. I honestly don't think.....let me rephrase that...I KNOW I couldn't do that job. My hat is tipped to those that do. God bless them and keep them safe.
p.s. not only do I honor them....but let me just say.....in those uniforms....
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