Okay, I have a question. Being a comedian, I know that it is WRONG and UNFORGIVABLE to steal a joke from another comedian, BUT....is using a popular line in your act considered stealing?
Why buy the cow when he can get the milk for free?
I'd smack that!
Everybody was kung-foo fighting!
The grass is always greener on the other side.
Come to the dark side!
.......the reason I ask, is because I heard this great line and it fits in my act and I want to use it. It is a line that is not necessarily said by another comedian, it is just a popular saying, a saying that is on t-shirts and mugs...can I use it? Here it is....let me know what you think.
I don't care if my hubby goes to strip clubs or looks at other women...'cause let me tell ya, he may wear the pants in the relationship...but I control the zipper!
My thoughts are that it is not a direct quote from someone, it is just a quirky saying, so it should be okay to use it on stage. OR should I say before that line "as that popular saying goes.....he may wear...etc."
What do you think?
You changed it up, I think it's ok, but what do I know!!!
do it! it is public domain darling. they can't touch you for that!
Thats totally ok to use that, keep it as it is, its perfect.
Love that joke, its perfect as it is.
What would comedy be if comedians didn't speak to what they know all that time? That's comedy! What we know is "public domain." Responses to common expressions gleaned from any form of advertising are the "stuff" that comics are made of! Different comics have different responses to the same lines. It's no different in any other business. When the the first vehicle manufacturer came out with an SUV, it wasn't long before another came out with its own version of the model. When the Iphone came out, months later the Voyager came out in response. Responses are what keeps the free market and healthy competition on stage alive! So suck it big-time! Being a professional means taking it all in stride baby! Speaking of Stride. When Cadbury launched "Stride" as a ridiculously long-lasting gum... it was only a few months before Wrigley launched "Five" as it's version of a long-lasting gum. Healthy competition!
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