I love my children, I honestly do....I SWEAR! But being with them 24 hours a day for 7 days a week is starting to frazzle my nerves! I am seriously thinking of taking up 'alcohol' as a hobby! They seem to be constantly bored, even though I keep giving them a long list of chores they could be doing to help pass the time, but NO that is not good enough. They want days filled with water-slides, fairs, shopping, cotton candy........hmmm actually that sounds pretty good, but alas, I work for minimum wage and cannot afford a billionaires summer vacation! Perhaps someday, someday but not today. Not even tomorrow. Probably not even this year! So for now, for this summer, my children will continue to be bored, they will continue to bicker with each other, they will continue to drive be absolutely bonkers.....but that is okay because they are growing up way to fast and I know that soon the summer will come when they are gone, out with friends, working...not with their mother. So for now, I may bitch and chew, but I wouldn't want my summer to be any other way then how it is now.....yelling, screaming, fighting__laughing, singing, hugging, sharing!
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