Monday, December 12, 2011

Holy Crap!!!!

Wow! Just noticed that my last posting on my blog was NOVEMBER 2010!!! Over a year ago!!! So much for my promises of being diligent in blog writing! So....with a new year about to be apon us...I vow to make 'updating my blog more often' one of my new year's resolustions. This time I promise! PROMISE!

In the's a picture of a baby panda waving!

Monday, November 15, 2010

nothing more I can say......

This ad needs no comentary from me. It is absolutely perfect! Read each and every word.....and then if you do not have the urge to buy one of these sexy one-piecers then there is something wrong with you!!! :)


Happy Monday!
Not much new to write. Had two shows on the Friday and one Saturday. The Friday show only had about 30 while I didn't bomb..I didn't rock the comedic mic either. Everyone was scattered about the room, which makes it hard for them all to laugh in unison. Saturday's show was sold out...standing room only. The energy was off the charts! I brought my 16 year old daughter with me....and I had an awesome set! The look of pride on her face when people were coming up to me and thanking me for a great show....priceless! I have that image burned on the inside of my skull....and the next time she throws a "I'm 16-I don't need you-I hate you-you're dumb" fit...I will remember that night, that smile, that look!

Monday, October 25, 2010


I can't seem to post the link to my itunes page. It is driving me completely bonkers! I love computers....but at the same time HATE THEM! They are wonderful yet evil. Easy yet frustrating!

The jist of it is...if you go to and look for Redneck and Raunchy by Erica should be able to find it....I was just hoping I could make the process easier and have a link where all you had to do was click on it and it would take you right to it. UGGGGG, I am beyone frustrated!

Check out itunes, check out Redneck and Raunchy, let me know what you think!

Erica Scott

Monday, September 27, 2010

I am trying to keep up with the times! I have just put my first album on itunes. It's a recording of a set I did at the Hamilton Place Theatre. It was an awesome night.....great crowd, lots of laughs, tonnes of giggles! Below is the link to check it out!


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Here I Am!

Holy smokes it's been a while....a long, long while since I have written on my blog. I am a bad girl...a bad, bad girl!

Life is crazy, husband, dog, house, comedy, grocery shopping....the usual. I am not complaining though. Life is complaints. I mean, I could complain...I'd like to be skinnier, richer, famouser...but other than complaints! :)

This weekend I am tickled pink to be a part of the Brantford Comedy first comedy festival. Really looking forward to it! Will let you know how it goes....cross your fingers and toes and everything in between that I rock that stage harder than AC DC!
