Monday, November 24, 2008
In three days I leave for Toronto ...again! This Saturday is the BIG Full Bawdy Comedy Show. I say it is the BIG show because a few days ago, Shelley Marshall (the producer/Creator of the show) signed a 'letter of intent' with a television production company. They want to turn out stage show into a television show. How freakin' awesome is that!!!!!???! The show on Saturday will be professionally videoed, photographed and critiqued. There is quite the buzz going around about the show so I am hoping we are 'sold out' come Saturday night! Here is a sneak peak at our last show......I am the one dancing in orange spandex!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Elect Dan Molson
See more funny videos at Funny or Die
A few years back I was involved in the making of a sitcom pilot. It was written and produced by two local gentlemen and it took a total of about two months to film. I had a blast doing it, it was oodles and oodles of fun. The finished result was brought to various networks, but noone showed any interest in it and it was never bought. I have been showing it off lately.....let me know what you think!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
putting it away for my grandbabies!

Okay, so technically I don't have kiddies are only 14, 9 and 8.....but I am cleaning out their toy room and just can't force myself to put EVERYTHING in a box for charity. There are somethings that I am going to keep and hold onto...for my grandbabies! The girls three storey barbie house....that is being disassembled and put into storage, Calvin's super hero action figures....keepin' those too. How much fun will it be for my children to have their children play with some of their toys from childhood......TONNES OF FUN I SAY! Am I keeping everything? No. Am I keeping a lot? No. Just the toys that never seem to go out of style...barbies and action figures. All the Hannah Montana and Bratz...they are simply a fad, ten years from now forgotten.
It is a sad day. Cleaning out the playroom, getting rid of all the baby toys....a gentle reminder that my children are growing up. No more babies in this house. Makes me a little sad....I am off to find the hidden chocolate stash left over from Halloween.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Hold me....I'm scared!

I got a call from Howard (the booker for Yuk-Yuk's in Ottawa)....he wants me to start hosting/MCing shows. The thought of that literally terrifies me! As soon as he mentioned it I started hyperventilating.....I actually had to sneak an inhale from my puffer! Before I strut my stuff on stage to perform stand-up, I am very nervous....VERY nervous. But with stand-up, I am performing a routine that I have memorized in my head. As soon as I start reciting my lines, I ease into a comfort zone. With MCing however, you are expected to improv, add-lib, chit chat nilly-willy with audience members. That scares the crap out of me. The thought of talking to drunk people about this and that....not sure if I can do it. What if someone says something to which I can not instantly think of a clever response? What if I go blank and freeze? I guess I should come up with a line or two that I can use in case that situation happens, but still.......the idea that I will be MCing in one months' time is giving me diarrhea. Ultimately I will never know if I can MC unless I actually do it........I think I will start praying NOW!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Allllll Aboard!

I am leaving in the morning as soon as my kiddies get on the school bus for the crazy, bustling, hectic, wonderful city of Toronto. I am not going there to perform on their numerous stages, instead I am going to cheer on my dear friend Shelley Marshall (google her!!)who is the only female finalist in the Stand-Up-and-Bite-Me comedy contest for BiteTv. She's a comedian who, when she gets on stage, takes control of the entire room. She's witty, funny, silly, dramatic.......she's simply amazing to watch perform. So I am going to go and cheer her on, to cheer on the funniest person in the finals, to cheer on the only vagina in the contest...Shelley Marshall!
ALSO, Shelley and I will be meeting with a television producer who wants to discuss turning the Full Bawdy Comedy Show into a television production. The show is her creation, her baby....I am going there to soak in all the incredible energy and be a witness to the making of something very grand and spectacular. (now watch, with my luck...when they do put this show on character will be the only one cut!) lol
Tonight I am performing at a wee pub in's a Wednesday night so I am not sure just how many people will be coming out for the show...but wish me luck!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Just writing a wee note to say I hope everyone had a fantasticle Halloween! My kiddies got lots of sweet treats, the weather that night was warm (no snow!) and even I dressed up...I was Fat Ninja - protecting the neighbourhood from eeevvviilll!
...I picked up an Elvis costume for my yellow next year I am thinking of dressing as Precilla!
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